Secrets of the Sphinx©
Mysteries of the Ages
Andrew Tomasi Raymond
Chapter 10
Food For Thought
This could be tough chapter for a lot of us to stomach, but I am going to include it on this site for those of us who are tired of the health conditions on the planet at this time. What follows is my conception of the relationship between foods, health, and the increasing light occurring on Earth at this juncture in the Platonic year. I don’t know if this is absolute truth; nevertheless, I have found that it is a good working model for me at this stage of my evolution. No one can follow precisely in another person’s footsteps, although we can learn from one another by observation and communication. Each of us has to follow his or her own path and destiny, yet all paths ultimately lead to the same place. Paths that travel with the astronomical cycles flow much easier than the byways and unreasonable side routes. Let us describe our existence in the terminology of very general particle physics. We have learned to think of our physical universe as composed of particles at a very high vibration. We slow the oscillation of the particles and combine them, as in an erector set, to make our solar system. The first two elements that help to make up our universe are hydrogen (atomic number 1) and helium (atomic number 2). Our sun is primarily made up of these two elements, and it is producing vast amounts of energy in the form of heat and light. As we slow the particles down, we get nitrogen (atomic number 7) and oxygen (atomic number 8) in the chemical element table. The air we breathe is chiefly composed of these two elements, and it is very close to the elements of our solar sun in the chemistry chart. If we combine two hydrogen atoms with one oxygen atom, we create water in our imaginary erector set. The Earth’s surface is composed of nearly 75 percent water. In comparison, our bodies are made up of nearly 85 percent water. For the purposes of this life, think of your body as a glass of water from this point onward. Right in the same area of the element chart is carbon (atomic number 6). Plants, being organic as we are, contain carbon as an essential ingredient. Plants turn carbon dioxide into oxygen, and we animals change oxygen into carbon dioxide. Let us explore deeper into the plant family to see how eating the different parts of a plant affect us. Pretend for a moment that we are walking through a jungle and come upon a fruit-bearing plant. The plant says to us, “Would you please give me a hand by eating some of my fruit and depositing the seeds into the ground? If you grant me this favor, we will produce hundreds more of this fruit for another time you wander by.” In effect, the carbon plant asks us to help it. This is a very high and symbiotic relationship. Let us consider why eating the fruit which the plant produces might be better than eating the plant itself. Some scientists use Kirlian photography to take pictures of plant auras. They have observed that when a person comes into the presence of plants and starts to abuse one plant, the auras of the other plants in the area go into shock. When we love our plants and talk to them, their auras radiate. Eating the fruit that the plant bears, rather than the plant itself, causes the cells of our bodies to oscillate at a higher vibration. In other words, the energy field that encompasses the living plants we consume creates a template or sets the rate of vibration for the sub-cellular structures of our bodies. Most traditional or shamanistic belief systems that are designed to reach the higher spiritual levels include fasting on raw fruits and vegetables as an essential practice. Fasting means “getting high” naturally. If we have been fasting on just fruit for a fair amount of time, we may find ourselves dancing around the planet on our toes. So we also eat the roots of the plants, containing starches, to help keep us well grounded. When we want to eat elements composed of particles at a slower vibration than plants, we can eat another species within our own animal kingdom. If we have been staying attuned to the progressive universities and medical reports, we know that bad cholesterol comes from eating anything with a face or anything that runs from us when we attempt to slaughter it. In today’s world, eating fruits and vegetables is becoming the best way to maintain our bodies in excellent condition. We can also choose to consume some of the heavier elements in our chemistry chart. Ingesting these elements, including aluminum (atomic number 13), chlorine (atomic number 17), and arsenic (atomic number 33), will help plot us in the ground well below the roots of the plants we could be eating. Remember, none of this has anything to do with good or bad. We are just further down the chemistry element chart. Creation is an amusement, and we can only act within the limits of our erector set. We are noticing that many of the synthetic or artificial medications that we are now using have “exposure to sun” alerts on their labels. The natural herbs that doctors have been using for years are not sun reactive, so they don’t need these warnings. When we party too much and throw a lot of junk into our bodies, most of us hide from the sun for the next few days. When we are sick, we shroud ourselves from the sun’s energy by pulling down the window shades in our bedroom. On the other hand, if we have been eating only high-vibration foods for a few months, we may find ourselves playing in nature so that we can soak in more solar energy. Observing when we want to play in the sunlight and when we want to hide from it is important to us at this time in the Platonic year, because the ozone holes are opening and our bodies are being exposed to more light. The word “purity” is involved. When we adulterate the elements, they don’t work well in our bodies. The highest rates of skin cancer occur in those countries that are technologically advanced in terms of synthetic foods and medications. Many scientists are beginning to think that the ozone may be opening up as part of a natural cycle that we don’t fully understand. Some of them think that our industrial pollution is not actually the principle agent of this change — it’s just hanging around the ozone holes speeding up a natural process. Some mythologies advise us that the light gets brighter on the planet and deserts turn green at this time in the Platonic year. If these predictions turns out to be the truth, then it doesn’t matter if the ozone holes are opening naturally or not. Ultimately, we still have to handle more sunlight. Everyone of us has to decide if we want to live shrouded in caves. Or do we want to move up to a higher-vibration food source and spend the rest of our lives dancing in the sun? The medical journals inform us that cultures that use virgin olive oil experience fewer heart attacks. Virgin olive oil is cold pressed from olives. All we are doing is squeezing the juice out of the olives and consuming it in our foods.
Purchase any cold or expeller-pressed oil to create a salad. Wash the salad dishes with cold water. The natural oil will just about wash off the dishes without soap. A few hours later, we will notice oil coming out of our pores. Now try using a partially hydrogenated oil for a salad dressing, and experience washing the dishes in cold water. You’ll need to use dish soap and hot water to get the oil off those dishes. A few years later, we have to call “Roto- Rooter” to clean the sink drain. When we lie out in the sun, we might need to use sun-tanning oil, because a lot of that hydrogenated oil is lining our blood vessels instead of coming out of our pores. Twenty years later we may have to go to the hospital for a roto-rooter job in our bodies. There is very little difference between our kitchen-sink drains and our glass-of-water bodies. If a food substance we eat isn’t washing down the drain effortlessly, most likely it isn’t readily cleansing out of our bodies, either. We may be wearing it to the doctor’s office in years to come. Now, more and more companies are using 100 percent pure-expeller pressing in producing their oils. This means they are mechanically extracting the oils from the raw materials using low heat, and they are not using any unnatural chemical solvents in extracting and refining their oils. The cognizant salad dressing and potato chip producers are using only cold pressed or expeller-pressed oils in preparing their foods, and they label their products accordingly. Some margarine companies are scrambling to create a non-hydrogenated product; while many restaurants are already offering us olive oil as a healthy replacement for margarine or dairy spreads for our breads. Ultimately, the power for change is in our hands. If we consumers refuse to purchase something, it will no longer be produced. I am going to share with you how I envision the stages humanity will ascend over many ages as we pass through the Garden of Eden and beyond. The first step we ascertain is that pork and beef are not good for us. Twenty years ago we thought those far-out vegetarians were crazy, but now we observe this knowledge progressing up the bell curve as our doctors are finding out that vegetarians who eat pure natural foods are healthier. Deciding to go with the obvious, we give up pork and beef. As time goes by, we notice that a few of our health-conscious friends are giving up fish and chicken, so we follow along, learning to reduce our intake of these items, when someone comes along and says, “You have been really doing well, but it amazes me that you are still using dairy products. Haven’t you noticed that humans are the only animals going from their mother’s breast to the cow’s tits? All other animals stop suckling dairy products naturally, unless we provide it for them.” ![]() A very popular question is, “Where do we obtain our protein if we are not using meat or dairy?” The answer is that we acquire protein from the same plants the vegetarian animals with healthy bones derive it from. We cannot have a protein-deficient diet eating fruits, nuts, and vegetables. In fact, some doctors believe that the excess of protein may be responsible for a lot of our health woes. The universities are beginning to notice that the more protein and dairy one consumes, the higher the levels of osteoporosis. People who eat the most meat and dairy seem to have the worst bones. For more information concerning the relationship between diets that are based on animal products and maintaining good health, read the book or view the video Diet for a New America by John Robbins of the Baskin & Robbins ice cream family. We have to constantly examine our assumptions. Remember the “four basic food groups” charts that were used for years to teach us proper nutrition in schools? Check out the fine print. You’ll discover that many of these subtle advertisements were put out by the meat and dairy industry. Generously enough, they recommended that half of our daily food intake be made up of their products. In 1993, the United States Department of Agriculture replaced the outdated four basic food groups with the new “food guide pyramid,” that has wheat, grains, fruits, vegetables, and nuts as the preferred nutritional food sources. Have you noticed all those big salad bars and vegetarian items that have appeared in the restaurants over the last twenty years? It wouldn't surprise me if one of the major pizza chains catches up with the natural food industry by introducing a soy cheese pizza soon. Most natural food restaurants and stores offer a large variety of soy milks, soy cheeses, and ice-cream substitutes already. We are beginning to notice that the natural food consumers who haven't ingested any animal products for a long time are starting to look younger. Desiring to be healthier and wanting that face-lift bonus, we aspire to cut out all dairy. We are now “vegans,” who don't use any animal products. Many years or lifetimes pass before someone says, “You have been a good vegan, but why are you eating the roots of the plant? You could be so much lighter if you took the next step and eliminated the roots from your diet.” After pondering this for some time, we slowly give up the tubers, giving our bodies plenty of time to adapt to the higher-vibration foods. Inevitably, some advanced being happens by and asks, “Why is a person like yourself, who is ingesting only the higher foods in the chemistry table of elements, still eating the plant whose aura cringes every time you choose the plant over the fruit it bears? Why aren’t you ascending to the original concept of the garden by becoming a fruitarian, who eats just seed-bearing fruits?” We think, “Why not! I’ve been reading the Old Testament in my Bible, and it says within the first few pages that we should be fruitarians.” (The appropriate passage is found in Genesis 1:29-31: God also said; “See, I give you every seed-bearing plant all over the earth and every tree that has seed-bearing fruit on it to be your food; and to all the animals of the land, all the birds of the air, and all the living creatures that crawl on the ground, I give all the green plants for food.” And so it happened. God looked at everything he had made, and he found it very good. Evening came, and the morning followed the Sixth Day.) We were to be guardians of the animals — not slit their throats and partake in blood rituals. At the end of the Sixth Age, we are verifying that the saying “an eye for an eye” is true. What we are doing to the animals at the slaughterhouses is coming back to haunt us as heart by-passes, strokes, mastectomies, and the many types of cancers we are seeing in our surgery rooms.
Our doctors are beginning to advise us that they are observing a low incidence of heart attacks and cancers in people who are on a natural vegetarian diet. Nevertheless, many of us disregard science, the Bible, and the animals' cries for help; we become addicted to prescription drugs rather then clean up our food intake. Any time we start putting foods of a higher vibration or purity into our bodies, we can expect a “healing crisis.” How many of your friends have said, “I don't understand why I am sick. For the last year or so I have been consuming healthier foods than I’ve eaten in my entire life”? A healing crisis could manifest in many ways, including skin eruptions, sore throats, or flu-like symptoms. Some of us stop the natural healing crisis with synthetic medications. After the period it takes our body to recover from the shock of these artificial substances and the residues left by them, we might experience another healing crisis. Some of us repeat the same mistake over and over. Find yourself a holistic physician who asks you, “What are you doing with your whole life?” We inform him that we have been consuming better foods as fast as we can change our eating habits. The holistic doctor says, “Hold on now! Don’t pour a fire hydrant into your glass-of-water body. Do you want to harm yourself detoxifying all at once? It took generations to get this way. Take it easy!” So we still take medications and have surgery when necessary. We just make more preventive choices. We monitor what we are putting into our glass-of-water bodies, and we learn to differentiate between when we are sick and when we are experiencing an expected healing crisis. Choose your doctors well, just as you would select a “get well” card. Remember, we begin to look like our mentors if we do everything they do. Eons have now passed, and we are fruitarians. We have observed and fully comprehend that the Sun God Ra and Raw Foods are intrinsically interrelated. We are in the garden, and we think no one is ever going to bother us about foods again. One day, on our way to the beach to bathe raw in God's solar energy, we notice a person carrying a sign that reads, “Become a juicearian! Why are you eating the bag or pulp the juice comes in?” What the heck! Being addicted to getting high and being healthy, we realize that we can get much higher by drinking juice than eating the whole fruit, so we become juicearians. After a few lifetimes on juice, we meet some far-out person who asks, “Why are you drinking juice? Just drink pure water. The more pure water we put in our bodies, the cleaner and higher we become.” We have been waterarians for many incarnations when some young Einstein asks, “Why are you drinking water? It is such a heavy compound. Water is composed of two hydrogen atoms combined with one atom of oxygen. Why don’t you separate those elements and move up the chemistry chart to become breatharians?” As you might have guessed by now, some star-gazing individual comes by a few ages later and asks, “Why are you partaking in oxygen? We can do much better than the rhythm of breathing air. Who needs that cycle? We should be absorbing the light directly from the source. We should all be lightarians.” Guess What! Some alien comes by and says, “Haven’t you observed there are millions of diverse galaxies in outer space with all their trips? You will also need to give them up one at a time.” Eternity is a long time. The joke of foods is that you can never get it right! Once we make one step, there is always another one ahead or behind that one. When we venture out too far ahead of the masses, we are considered to be really crazy, and if we are too far behind them, we are first-class laggards. Everything is perfect in the universe. We know where we started and where we are going. The fall and the return to the garden are only segments within this Platonic year, or within even greater cycles beyond it. Just go with the flow and maintain an even balance. I personally made an agreement with my inmost self, the self that causes my sores to heal, controls my organs, and gives me life. I resolved to give it the best foods, water, and air I can procure, and then let it tend to its vocation. I also made a covenant with the animals not to support the cruelty used in unnecessary medical re-search, nor to purchase foods or products made from them. Sure I slip! But when I do, I just pick myself up and try again, as it is ultimately all a fun house joke. If we didn’t care about our health and the well-being of this planet, we wouldn’t be reading this page. Read Survival Into the 21st Century by Viktoras Kulvinskas if you want to know how to look younger, become healthier, understand foods, and get high naturally. It is an exciting and fun book on healing yourself and the planet. Now that we are beginning to understand the return to the garden which is taking place at the end of the Sixth Age, we are going to ponder some odds and ends in the following chapter that will help ease our transition into the coming age. Secrets of the Sphinx is an uplifting experience and an easy book to read. You will be thinking about this publication long after you set it down! |
A Few of the Reviews & Letters to Author
I mysteriously came across links to your book while
searching for something completely different.
I had to solidify
my being grateful for you sharing your knowledge with this letter.
Hopefully you will continue to enlighten , and should our creator
see fit, we will meet, either on this plane -
or the next one
My quest for knowledge has recently lead me to your web
site, and your "Secrets of the Sphinx"
book. I'd just like
to say "thank you for writing this book". I've found the book to be
packed with
powerful Knowledge, yet easy to read, a rare combo
indeed. Again, thanks for providing this revealing info.
Ardmore, OK
Thank you for you dedication, your heart, and your
And most of all, thanks for sharing.
was a
confirmation and an inspiration at the perfect time.
Funny how
that happens.
All the Best,
Palm Springs, CA
I' ve read a shitload of books and have found alot of hidden
meanings in the bible.
Of course, as you are aware, I am
finding that the more knowledge and wisdom that
I acquire, the
less that I am able to relate to the average person. Oh well,
no turning
back now. What did St. Paul say? "It is
impossible for those who have once been
enlightened to turn
away, for in doing so is like crucifying the Son of God all over
and subjecting Him to public disgrace."
Lucky charms,
Dr. Dan
Aloha Andrew!
I loved Secrets of The Sphinx! I owned it 10 years
ago and gave it to a
friend 'cause I knew they would love it, and
they did! I really missed that
book, so I contacted you about 2
years ago when trying to obtain another
copy for myself. You
responded, and per your direction, I found a copy, and
have read
it several times since. Thank you!
I would love to know if
you do any seminars, workshops, etc.
My wife and I would be
delighted to experience more of your teachings.
Mahalo for
your attention.
the way, I finished your book. I read a hundred pages the first day
i got, then i finished the rest in
the next two days. It is a
really good book. I let my friend borrow it too, and he said, "This
is one of
the only books that I've actually 'tripped balls'
reading." We both like it because it's full of
information that
can really push our minds to the edges, but it's easy to digest at
the same time.
Admittedly, I'll need to read it more to get the
full meaning though.
Dear Raymond
Thank you for the
downoad of the Sphinx Revealed book. I really appreciate it. I do
music with my wife.
You can hear the songs at: XXXXXXXXXXXX
Today is my wifes Birthday!
Thanks again
yours truly
Puerto Rico
Just read your online book and, as I am reading Hall's fantastic
work now, I can only say "Thanks"
How can I best support what you are doing? Just let me know.
Thanks again, take care and peace to you always,
Material — "Secrets of the
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